Preview: How to Build a Wooden Boat, Plank-On-Frame Lobster Boat, Part 9 – Steam Bending Frames

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Peter shows us how he puts in the steam-bent frames that form the shape and structure of the hull.


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10 Responses So Far to “How to Build a Wooden Boat, Plank-On-Frame Lobster Boat, Part 9 – Steam Bending Frames

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    Mark Bates says:

    Hi Peter, great watching you at work. Did you say the boat is aTad Robert’s design called a 32.5 Petercast model? I’m wondering how similar to Tads JB 32? Can’t wait to see the finished product! Thanks from Ireland.

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    Kai Schrodt says:

    Thanks Peter. I would think the flat sawn faces inside and outside and the quarter sawn edges facing forward and aft would bend better, but I might be wrong. Is there a better way to orient the grain?

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      Peter Buxton says:

      No Kai you are right on that!

      In the video you could see that some of the grain wasn’t oriented the way we would have liked but in reality there was more of it that did have properly oriented grain than the video showed.

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    Paul Cammaroto says:

    An Amazing Series of Videos. Even with the High Bar set by OCH, this one is Epic
    Peter you’re a natural for explaining this process and providing insight (and solutions) for the challenges.
    Keep up the Great Work

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    Miles Partridge says:

    Great to see how this is done. Really enjoying the series, Thanks Peter.

    By the way, did Stanley ever respond to your comments on the weak chisel handles? I know a builder who throws his chisels out about once a week when they get blunt. He can’t even bother to sharpen them. I guess he is not going to see handle failures and Stanley is happy to sell lots of new chisels.

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      Peter Buxton says:

      Lol, no I think Stanley is happy to sell their chisels just the way they are. I’m done buying them tho…

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    Ian Douglas says:

    Excellent videos, Peter! Having snapped a few frames myself, I liked the idea of splitting the timber to a point past the largest bend. We have resorted to laminating the problem ones in the past, but I will try this next time. Thanks! I imagine that a blade with the narrowest kerf is used?

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      Peter Buxton says:

      Hi Ian, yes I split the timbers on a band saw.

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    William McCaffrey says:

    Peter does a great job of laying out the detail of each step. It’s like reading a book.


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