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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

“Sailing Una” – By Leney Breeden

“Sailing Una” – By Leney Breeden

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Notes on Boat Design, Part II—Three Basic Hull Types

Notes on Boat Design, Part II—Three Basic Hull Types

Giffy and Carol: A Hurricane Story from 1954

Giffy and Carol: A Hurricane Story from 1954

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 4 – 10/22/12

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 4 – 10/22/12

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 2 – 10/5/12

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 2 – 10/5/12

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

Building Before Sailing

Building Before Sailing

Installing a Teak Boat Deck on the 47′ Sloop Lark

Installing a Teak Boat Deck on the 47′ Sloop Lark

The First of Three Sailing Yawlboats Takes Shape

The First of Three Sailing Yawlboats Takes Shape

My Winter Boatbuilding Projects

My Winter Boatbuilding Projects

Surprise Me 

James Wakefield Rescue Row on Lake Champlain

James Wakefield Rescue Row on Lake Champlain

Voyaging Thru Time: Photographs from Penobscot Marine Museum, Part 6

Voyaging Thru Time: Photographs from Penobscot Marine Museum, Part 6

SHELDRAKE, A Charming Little Keel Sloop Designed by OCH Guide Nat Benjamin

SHELDRAKE, A Charming Little Keel Sloop Designed by OCH Guide Nat Benjamin

Why Choose A Traditionally Built Boat?

Why Choose A Traditionally Built Boat?

CELESTE’s Arctic Voyage: Traversing the Bering Sea, Sailing to the Top of America and the Rough Autumn Passages in the Alaskan Arctic

CELESTE’s Arctic Voyage: Traversing the Bering Sea, Sailing to the Top of America and the Rough Autumn Passages in the Alaskan Arctic

Messing About—A Guest Blog by Ellen Massey Leonard

Messing About—A Guest Blog by Ellen Massey Leonard

A Rock And a Hard Place: Lessons Learned in Going Aground in HOI AN—a guest post by Bob Stephens

A Rock And a Hard Place: Lessons Learned in Going Aground in HOI AN—a guest post by Bob Stephens

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

A DAY’S WORK, Part II—an excerpt: Kilnwood Schooners HEATHER BELLE and C.M. GRAY

A DAY’S WORK, Part II—an excerpt: Kilnwood Schooners HEATHER BELLE and C.M. GRAY

Boatbuilding: Instruction in the Art of Life—A Guest Blog by Lawrence W. Cheek

Boatbuilding: Instruction in the Art of Life—A Guest Blog by Lawrence W. Cheek