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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

PACIFIC and the McMenemys

PACIFIC and the McMenemys

Fine Boat Designs: CARINA, a Cute Ketch by Aage Nielsen

Fine Boat Designs: CARINA, a Cute Ketch by Aage Nielsen

Why Attempt the Northwest Passage? One Woman’s Inspiration and Goals

Why Attempt the Northwest Passage? One Woman’s Inspiration and Goals

Inadvertently Green, The Budget Cruising Dividend

Inadvertently Green, The Budget Cruising Dividend

Rare Birds: Classic Boats Offshore; A Guest Blog by Ellen Massey Leonard

Rare Birds: Classic Boats Offshore; A Guest Blog by Ellen Massey Leonard

Messing About—A Guest Blog by Ellen Massey Leonard

Messing About—A Guest Blog by Ellen Massey Leonard

My Favorite OCH Videos (and Why), by Co-Founder Eric Blake

My Favorite OCH Videos (and Why), by Co-Founder Eric Blake

Georgia’s Golden Isles, a Guest Blog by Anne Bryant

Georgia’s Golden Isles, a Guest Blog by Anne Bryant

Three Cruiser Friendly Towns in a Row; Aboard MIMI ROSE with Anne Bryant

Three Cruiser Friendly Towns in a Row; Aboard MIMI ROSE with Anne Bryant

They Don’t Make Postcards for This—Aboard MIMI ROSE with Guest Blogger Anne Bryant

They Don’t Make Postcards for This—Aboard MIMI ROSE with Guest Blogger Anne Bryant

Cruising South Aboard MIMI ROSE; A Guest Blog by Anne Bryant

Cruising South Aboard MIMI ROSE; A Guest Blog by Anne Bryant

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