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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

GRAMP Heads to Mystic Seaport

GRAMP Heads to Mystic Seaport

Why This Skiff?

Why This Skiff?

Charter VELA in Maine This Summer

Charter VELA in Maine This Summer

Our Favorite Sailing Rig: The Cutter, by Lin and Larry Pardey

Our Favorite Sailing Rig: The Cutter, by Lin and Larry Pardey

Ginny Jones Reviews THE WHALEBOAT’s Latest Edition

Ginny Jones Reviews THE WHALEBOAT’s Latest Edition

173-Year-Old Whaleship Charles W. Morgan Comes to Vineyard Haven

173-Year-Old Whaleship Charles W. Morgan Comes to Vineyard Haven

SELKIE—My Personal Dreamboat: A 23′ Keel-centerboard Sloop

SELKIE—My Personal Dreamboat: A 23′ Keel-centerboard Sloop

Why Attempt the Northwest Passage? One Woman’s Inspiration and Goals

Why Attempt the Northwest Passage? One Woman’s Inspiration and Goals

Dire Strait — An Excerpt from As Long As It’s Fun, by Herb McCormick

Dire Strait — An Excerpt from As Long As It’s Fun, by Herb McCormick

Hatches That Are Watertight, Easy to Maintain, and Handsome

Hatches That Are Watertight, Easy to Maintain, and Handsome

A DAY’S WORK, Part II—an excerpt: Kilnwood Schooners HEATHER BELLE and C.M. GRAY

A DAY’S WORK, Part II—an excerpt: Kilnwood Schooners HEATHER BELLE and C.M. GRAY

Inadvertently Green, The Budget Cruising Dividend

Inadvertently Green, The Budget Cruising Dividend

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