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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

SELKIE—My Personal Dreamboat: A 23′ Keel-centerboard Sloop

SELKIE—My Personal Dreamboat: A 23′ Keel-centerboard Sloop

A Sail Around the NE Atlantic, by Gubby Williams

A Sail Around the NE Atlantic, by Gubby Williams

Installing a Teak Boat Deck on the 47′ Sloop Lark

Installing a Teak Boat Deck on the 47′ Sloop Lark

My Winter Boatbuilding Projects

My Winter Boatbuilding Projects

Surprise Me 

“Passage to Haiti” – Part 1, The Voyage, by Nat Benjamin

“Passage to Haiti” – Part 1, The Voyage, by Nat Benjamin

A Voyage Through Tasmania’s Southwest Wilderness – Part II, by Bruce Stannard

A Voyage Through Tasmania’s Southwest Wilderness – Part II, by Bruce Stannard

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Building Boats, Building Kids: Bronx High Schoolers Learn Life Skills from the Keel Up, by Sara Clemence

Building Boats, Building Kids: Bronx High Schoolers Learn Life Skills from the Keel Up, by Sara Clemence

A Voyage Through Tasmania’s Southwest Wilderness – Part I, by Bruce Stannard

A Voyage Through Tasmania’s Southwest Wilderness – Part I, by Bruce Stannard

Origins of the Keel/Centerboard: Why American Sailors Stuck with a Movable Appendage by Rob Mazza

Origins of the Keel/Centerboard: Why American Sailors Stuck with a Movable Appendage by Rob Mazza

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #20 – The Second Leg: Penrhyn to American Samoa

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #20 – The Second Leg: Penrhyn to American Samoa

Good Reads: Recommendations by Kaci Cronkhite

Good Reads: Recommendations by Kaci Cronkhite

Educating Stella — A Father’s Wish for His Daughter

Educating Stella — A Father’s Wish for His Daughter

The storm trysail: A faithful and forgiving foul-weather friend, by Ed Zacko

The storm trysail: A faithful and forgiving foul-weather friend, by Ed Zacko