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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

EVE, An Electric Launch by Doug Hylan

EVE, An Electric Launch by Doug Hylan

Starship to Oceania by Steve Callahan

Starship to Oceania by Steve Callahan

Building a Chesapeake Log Canoe by John Cook

Building a Chesapeake Log Canoe by John Cook

Building and Launching JIMMY D, a 32′ Cornish Gig from the “Champlain Longboats” Program

Building and Launching JIMMY D, a 32′ Cornish Gig from the “Champlain Longboats” Program

Fine Boat Designs: CARINA, a Cute Ketch by Aage Nielsen

Fine Boat Designs: CARINA, a Cute Ketch by Aage Nielsen

A DAY’S WORK, Part II—an excerpt: Kilnwood Schooners HEATHER BELLE and C.M. GRAY

A DAY’S WORK, Part II—an excerpt: Kilnwood Schooners HEATHER BELLE and C.M. GRAY

A Sail Around the NE Atlantic, by Gubby Williams

A Sail Around the NE Atlantic, by Gubby Williams

Westward Ho! Port Townsend and Beyond

Westward Ho! Port Townsend and Beyond

Herstory Matters: the Spidsgatter Pax

Herstory Matters: the Spidsgatter Pax

Three Boats I Lust After (and Why), by Peter Neill

Three Boats I Lust After (and Why), by Peter Neill

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

Surprise Me 

Voyaging Thru Time: Photographs from Penobscot Marine Museum, Part 1

Voyaging Thru Time: Photographs from Penobscot Marine Museum, Part 1

Tom Robinson’s “Thank You Card” to Off Center Harbor

Tom Robinson’s “Thank You Card” to Off Center Harbor

Our Favorite Sailing Rig: The Cutter, by Lin and Larry Pardey

Our Favorite Sailing Rig: The Cutter, by Lin and Larry Pardey

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #17 – Farewell Penrhyn (Tongareva)

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #17 – Farewell Penrhyn (Tongareva)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

Cambodian Canoes, Part 2: Small Outboard-Powered Canoes in the North of Cambodia

Cambodian Canoes, Part 2: Small Outboard-Powered Canoes in the North of Cambodia

A Tale of Two Block Planes: Harry Bryan Reviews the Stanley 12-960 Low Angle Block Plane

A Tale of Two Block Planes: Harry Bryan Reviews the Stanley 12-960 Low Angle Block Plane

Basket Case: Restoring a Watch Hill 15 at D.N. Hylan’s

Basket Case: Restoring a Watch Hill 15 at D.N. Hylan’s

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #19 – Maiwar Arrives in Pago Pago

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #19 – Maiwar Arrives in Pago Pago

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 5, New Floor Timbers, Frames, and a Portside Repair

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 5, New Floor Timbers, Frames, and a Portside Repair