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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

A Composting Head for the Tahiti Ketch EVELYN; A Guest Post by Astra Haldeman

A Composting Head for the Tahiti Ketch EVELYN; A Guest Post by Astra Haldeman

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 5 – 11/11/12

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 5 – 11/11/12

Westward Ho! Port Townsend and Beyond

Westward Ho! Port Townsend and Beyond

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why) – The Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 25, Herreshoff 12.5 & Whio

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why) – The Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 25, Herreshoff 12.5 & Whio

Herstory Matters: the Spidsgatter Pax

Herstory Matters: the Spidsgatter Pax

In My Shop: A Fox, a Willow, a Phoenix, a Skerrie Skiff & a Pram

In My Shop: A Fox, a Willow, a Phoenix, a Skerrie Skiff & a Pram

Small Boats, High Calling. The Influence of Steve Corkery.

Small Boats, High Calling. The Influence of Steve Corkery.

Painting a Beetle Cat Sailboat on the Beach

Painting a Beetle Cat Sailboat on the Beach

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

Surprise Me 

NO ORDINARY BEING: Lewellyn Howland talks about his biography of W. Starling Burgess

NO ORDINARY BEING: Lewellyn Howland talks about his biography of W. Starling Burgess

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 2: Frames; Fastenings; Stem; Sheer Clamps—All Upside Down

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 2: Frames; Fastenings; Stem; Sheer Clamps—All Upside Down

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 5, New Floor Timbers, Frames, and a Portside Repair

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 5, New Floor Timbers, Frames, and a Portside Repair

Building a Quarter-sized Skiff; A Post by OCH Guide Harry Bryan

Building a Quarter-sized Skiff; A Post by OCH Guide Harry Bryan

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me, by Havilah Hawkins.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me, by Havilah Hawkins.

Origins of the Keel/Centerboard: Why American Sailors Stuck with a Movable Appendage by Rob Mazza

Origins of the Keel/Centerboard: Why American Sailors Stuck with a Movable Appendage by Rob Mazza

Why Attempt the Northwest Passage? One Woman’s Inspiration and Goals

Why Attempt the Northwest Passage? One Woman’s Inspiration and Goals

Re-skinning a Boothbay Harbor One-Design Sloop with Veneers and Epoxy, by Eric Blake

Re-skinning a Boothbay Harbor One-Design Sloop with Veneers and Epoxy, by Eric Blake

The Influence of a Boat and Ben

The Influence of a Boat and Ben

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick