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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 10: Sailing

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 10: Sailing

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 9: Completion!

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 9: Completion!

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 8: Cabin, Keel & Interior

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 8: Cabin, Keel & Interior

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 7: The Deck

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 7: The Deck

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 6: The Circumnavigation

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 6: The Circumnavigation

Fine Boat Designs – DIVERSION & WUNDERBAR (by Kenneth Smith & Philip Rhodes)

Fine Boat Designs – DIVERSION & WUNDERBAR (by Kenneth Smith & Philip Rhodes)

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 5: Raised Panel Bulkheads

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 5: Raised Panel Bulkheads

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 4: A New Keel Timber

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 4: A New Keel Timber

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 3: The Transom

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 3: The Transom

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 2: Frames; Fastenings; Stem; Sheer Clamps—All Upside Down

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 2: Frames; Fastenings; Stem; Sheer Clamps—All Upside Down

Surprise Me 

Building a Quarter-sized Skiff; A Post by OCH Guide Harry Bryan

Building a Quarter-sized Skiff; A Post by OCH Guide Harry Bryan

How Much Does My Boat Weigh? Weighing Your Boat with a Bathroom Scale

How Much Does My Boat Weigh? Weighing Your Boat with a Bathroom Scale

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #18 – Shore Team: Samoa-bound

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #18 – Shore Team: Samoa-bound

A Rock And a Hard Place: Lessons Learned in Going Aground in HOI AN—a guest post by Bob Stephens

A Rock And a Hard Place: Lessons Learned in Going Aground in HOI AN—a guest post by Bob Stephens

Rescuing the 83-foot Motor Yacht KALMIA, Part II; An Excerpt by Anne (Pete) Baker

Rescuing the 83-foot Motor Yacht KALMIA, Part II; An Excerpt by Anne (Pete) Baker

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me by Jane Ahlfeld

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me by Jane Ahlfeld

Good Reads, Recommendations by Maynard Bray

Good Reads, Recommendations by Maynard Bray

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #21: Notes From Pago Pago – American Samoa

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #21: Notes From Pago Pago – American Samoa

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #3 from Tom’s Shore Team

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #3 from Tom’s Shore Team