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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

GRAYLING to Newfoundland, by Doug Hylan

GRAYLING to Newfoundland, by Doug Hylan

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 10: Sailing

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 10: Sailing

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 9: Completion!

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 9: Completion!

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 8: Cabin, Keel & Interior

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 8: Cabin, Keel & Interior

The Education of Myles Thurlow: A Proper Apprenticeship

The Education of Myles Thurlow: A Proper Apprenticeship

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 7: The Deck

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 7: The Deck

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 6: The Circumnavigation

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 6: The Circumnavigation

Fine Boat Designs – DIVERSION & WUNDERBAR (by Kenneth Smith & Philip Rhodes)

Fine Boat Designs – DIVERSION & WUNDERBAR (by Kenneth Smith & Philip Rhodes)

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 5: Raised Panel Bulkheads

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 5: Raised Panel Bulkheads

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 4: A New Keel Timber

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 4: A New Keel Timber

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 3: The Transom

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 3: The Transom

Surprise Me 

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

My Favorite Rig and Why—The Gaff Rigged Schooner, by Havilah Hawkins

My Favorite Rig and Why—The Gaff Rigged Schooner, by Havilah Hawkins

Learning from Experience: Seasickness – My Biggest Disaster and What It Taught Me

Learning from Experience: Seasickness – My Biggest Disaster and What It Taught Me

Sharing Custom Toolbox Ideas; A Guest Post Hosted by OffCenterHarbor

Sharing Custom Toolbox Ideas; A Guest Post Hosted by OffCenterHarbor

Resizing a Boat Design—Some Things to Think About

Resizing a Boat Design—Some Things to Think About

How to Install A Teak Boat Deck: Laying It Out and Laying It Down

How to Install A Teak Boat Deck: Laying It Out and Laying It Down

Belfast, Maine, and Northeast Boat Welcome Boats Built of Wood

Belfast, Maine, and Northeast Boat Welcome Boats Built of Wood

A Rock And a Hard Place: Lessons Learned in Going Aground in HOI AN—a guest post by Bob Stephens

A Rock And a Hard Place: Lessons Learned in Going Aground in HOI AN—a guest post by Bob Stephens

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #9 – Peru to Penrhyn Island: A Brief Recapitulation

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #9 – Peru to Penrhyn Island: A Brief Recapitulation