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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

EVE, An Electric Launch by Doug Hylan

EVE, An Electric Launch by Doug Hylan

Building a Chesapeake Log Canoe by John Cook

Building a Chesapeake Log Canoe by John Cook

The Education of Myles Thurlow: A Proper Apprenticeship

The Education of Myles Thurlow: A Proper Apprenticeship

“Sailing Una” – By Leney Breeden

“Sailing Una” – By Leney Breeden

FLYING FISH Goes to Sea—a Guest Post by Jack Bassett and Carolyn Shubert

FLYING FISH Goes to Sea—a Guest Post by Jack Bassett and Carolyn Shubert

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 3: Day Tripping North, then West

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 3: Day Tripping North, then West

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 2: Rescuing the 8-Meter Sailboat VARG

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 2: Rescuing the 8-Meter Sailboat VARG

Re-skinning a Boothbay Harbor One-Design Sloop with Veneers and Epoxy, by Eric Blake

Re-skinning a Boothbay Harbor One-Design Sloop with Veneers and Epoxy, by Eric Blake

My Favorite OCH Videos (and Why), by Co-Founder Ben Mendlowitz

My Favorite OCH Videos (and Why), by Co-Founder Ben Mendlowitz

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Westward Ho! Port Townsend and Beyond

Westward Ho! Port Townsend and Beyond

Why Choose A Traditionally Built Boat?

Why Choose A Traditionally Built Boat?

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