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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Fine Boat Designs – LEGEND, A Straightforward Fast Cruising Sloop of 1951

Fine Boat Designs – LEGEND, A Straightforward Fast Cruising Sloop of 1951

Tasmania & the Australian Wooden Boat Festival

Tasmania & the Australian Wooden Boat Festival

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 3: Day Tripping North, then West

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 3: Day Tripping North, then West

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 2: Rescuing the 8-Meter Sailboat VARG

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 2: Rescuing the 8-Meter Sailboat VARG

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Catspaw Dinghy, A Guest Blog by Ben Emory

Catspaw Dinghy, A Guest Blog by Ben Emory

Giffy and Carol: A Hurricane Story from 1954

Giffy and Carol: A Hurricane Story from 1954

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 2 – 10/5/12

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 2 – 10/5/12

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me, by Havilah Hawkins.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me, by Havilah Hawkins.

Three Boats I Lust After (and Why), by Peter Neill

Three Boats I Lust After (and Why), by Peter Neill

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

Surprise Me 

“Passage to Haiti” – Part 1, The Voyage, by Nat Benjamin

“Passage to Haiti” – Part 1, The Voyage, by Nat Benjamin

Good Reads: Recommendations by Brian Larkin

Good Reads: Recommendations by Brian Larkin

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Three Cruiser Friendly Towns in a Row; Aboard MIMI ROSE with Anne Bryant

Three Cruiser Friendly Towns in a Row; Aboard MIMI ROSE with Anne Bryant

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me by Jane Ahlfeld

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me by Jane Ahlfeld

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part I

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part I

They Don’t Make Postcards for This—Aboard MIMI ROSE with Guest Blogger Anne Bryant

They Don’t Make Postcards for This—Aboard MIMI ROSE with Guest Blogger Anne Bryant

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 6 — Beginning to Repower

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 6 — Beginning to Repower

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 7: De-greasing, New Frame Ends, Replacing Rusty Bolts

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 7: De-greasing, New Frame Ends, Replacing Rusty Bolts

Why Attempt the Northwest Passage? One Woman’s Inspiration and Goals

Why Attempt the Northwest Passage? One Woman’s Inspiration and Goals