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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Starship to Oceania by Steve Callahan

Starship to Oceania by Steve Callahan

Building and Launching JIMMY D, a 32′ Cornish Gig from the “Champlain Longboats” Program

Building and Launching JIMMY D, a 32′ Cornish Gig from the “Champlain Longboats” Program

Manny Palomo and his Dad Build a Boat

Manny Palomo and his Dad Build a Boat

Our Favorite Sailing Rig: The Cutter, by Lin and Larry Pardey

Our Favorite Sailing Rig: The Cutter, by Lin and Larry Pardey

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 2: Rescuing the 8-Meter Sailboat VARG

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 2: Rescuing the 8-Meter Sailboat VARG

Dire Strait — An Excerpt from As Long As It’s Fun, by Herb McCormick

Dire Strait — An Excerpt from As Long As It’s Fun, by Herb McCormick

Hatches That Are Watertight, Easy to Maintain, and Handsome

Hatches That Are Watertight, Easy to Maintain, and Handsome

Diagnosis: Hemofungiosis; a Guest Blog by Gibby Conrad

Diagnosis: Hemofungiosis; a Guest Blog by Gibby Conrad

Viva Vixen; New Life for a 15-Square Meter Sloop, Part 2

Viva Vixen; New Life for a 15-Square Meter Sloop, Part 2

Viva Vixen; New Life for a 15-Square Meter Sloop, Part I

Viva Vixen; New Life for a 15-Square Meter Sloop, Part I

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 4 – 10/22/12

Walkabout at Brooklin Boat Yard, Part 4 – 10/22/12

Small Boats, High Calling. The Influence of Steve Corkery.

Small Boats, High Calling. The Influence of Steve Corkery.

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