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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

Camp-Cruising the Maine Coast in the Caledonia Yawl HOWDY

Starship to Oceania by Steve Callahan

Starship to Oceania by Steve Callahan

Why This Skiff?

Why This Skiff?

Charter VELA in Maine This Summer

Charter VELA in Maine This Summer

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part II

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part II

Fine Boat Designs: CARINA, a Cute Ketch by Aage Nielsen

Fine Boat Designs: CARINA, a Cute Ketch by Aage Nielsen

Manny Palomo and his Dad Build a Boat

Manny Palomo and his Dad Build a Boat

Fine Boat Designs – DIVERSION & WUNDERBAR (by Kenneth Smith & Philip Rhodes)

Fine Boat Designs – DIVERSION & WUNDERBAR (by Kenneth Smith & Philip Rhodes)

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part I

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part I

Basket Case: Restoring a Watch Hill 15 at D.N. Hylan’s

Basket Case: Restoring a Watch Hill 15 at D.N. Hylan’s

Our Favorite Sailing Rig: The Cutter, by Lin and Larry Pardey

Our Favorite Sailing Rig: The Cutter, by Lin and Larry Pardey

Dire Strait — An Excerpt from As Long As It’s Fun, by Herb McCormick

Dire Strait — An Excerpt from As Long As It’s Fun, by Herb McCormick

Surprise Me 

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #20 – The Second Leg: Penrhyn to American Samoa

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #20 – The Second Leg: Penrhyn to American Samoa

Re-skinning a Boothbay Harbor One-Design Sloop with Veneers and Epoxy, by Eric Blake

Re-skinning a Boothbay Harbor One-Design Sloop with Veneers and Epoxy, by Eric Blake

Are You Scared of Your Boat? (Reality Check)

Are You Scared of Your Boat? (Reality Check)

A Rock And a Hard Place: Lessons Learned in Going Aground in HOI AN—a guest post by Bob Stephens

A Rock And a Hard Place: Lessons Learned in Going Aground in HOI AN—a guest post by Bob Stephens

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 10 — Windshield, Trunk Cabin & Side Deck

BONNY BRIDE Progress — Restoring a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part 10 — Windshield, Trunk Cabin & Side Deck

Murray Peterson’s Designs: CURLEW, a Cowhorn

Murray Peterson’s Designs: CURLEW, a Cowhorn

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Twenty-two-foot Cruising Catboat, Beautifully Depicted

Twenty-two-foot Cruising Catboat, Beautifully Depicted

Iceland and Lofoten; A Trip of a Lifetime. A Blog by Geoff Kerr of Two Daughters Boatworks

Iceland and Lofoten; A Trip of a Lifetime. A Blog by Geoff Kerr of Two Daughters Boatworks

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 7: The Deck

Restoring a Herreshoff Fishers Island 31, Part 7: The Deck