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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

Manny Palomo and his Dad Build a Boat

Manny Palomo and his Dad Build a Boat

My Favorite OCH Videos (and Why), by Co-Founder Ben Mendlowitz

My Favorite OCH Videos (and Why), by Co-Founder Ben Mendlowitz

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Women Boatbuilders in Oregon, Tasmania, and Scotland — a Guest Blog by Anne Bray

Three Boats I Lust After and Why; A Guest Blog by Jim Giblin

Three Boats I Lust After and Why; A Guest Blog by Jim Giblin

Westward Ho! Port Townsend and Beyond

Westward Ho! Port Townsend and Beyond

Herstory Matters: the Spidsgatter Pax

Herstory Matters: the Spidsgatter Pax

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

The Three Boats I Lust After (and Why)

Surprise Me 

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

CELESTE’s Arctic Voyage: Traversing the Bering Sea, Sailing to the Top of America and the Rough Autumn Passages in the Alaskan Arctic

CELESTE’s Arctic Voyage: Traversing the Bering Sea, Sailing to the Top of America and the Rough Autumn Passages in the Alaskan Arctic

Voyaging Thru Time: Photographs from Penobscot Marine Museum, Part 13

Voyaging Thru Time: Photographs from Penobscot Marine Museum, Part 13

Building Boats, Building Kids: Bronx High Schoolers Learn Life Skills from the Keel Up, by Sara Clemence

Building Boats, Building Kids: Bronx High Schoolers Learn Life Skills from the Keel Up, by Sara Clemence

Fine Boat Designs – LEGEND, A Straightforward Fast Cruising Sloop of 1951

Fine Boat Designs – LEGEND, A Straightforward Fast Cruising Sloop of 1951

Elegant Details on Wooden Boats – Miscellaneous Elements, by Maynard Bray

Elegant Details on Wooden Boats – Miscellaneous Elements, by Maynard Bray

An OCH-Style Community Boathouse by Dick Wagner

An OCH-Style Community Boathouse by Dick Wagner

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Good Reads: Recommendations by Doug Hylan

Good Reads: Recommendations by Doug Hylan

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #20 – The Second Leg: Penrhyn to American Samoa

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #20 – The Second Leg: Penrhyn to American Samoa