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Guide Posts

Guide Posts are written articles with accompanying still photos and/or video clips, usually written by our team of expert Guides and Founders, who each have many decades of experience.

The Buzzards Bay 25: An Evolution, of Sorts

The Buzzards Bay 25: An Evolution, of Sorts

Turning the Page – Karen and Jim’s Excellent Adventure

Turning the Page – Karen and Jim’s Excellent Adventure

The Albury Runabout

The Albury Runabout

1,200 Miles in Eight Days – Seeing the Intracoastal Waterway by Outboard

1,200 Miles in Eight Days – Seeing the Intracoastal Waterway by Outboard

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part II

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part II

Manny Palomo and his Dad Build a Boat

Manny Palomo and his Dad Build a Boat

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part I

Carvel Construction; John’s Bay Boat Co. Builds a Wooden Lobster Boat, Part I

Tasmania & the Australian Wooden Boat Festival

Tasmania & the Australian Wooden Boat Festival

An Excerpt from ‘The Dinghy Cruising Companion,’ by Roger Barnes

An Excerpt from ‘The Dinghy Cruising Companion,’ by Roger Barnes

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 2: Rescuing the 8-Meter Sailboat VARG

Wooden Boats from Tasmania, Part 2: Rescuing the 8-Meter Sailboat VARG

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

Herreshoff Classic Regatta of 2014—A Report from Bryan Burdick

A Good Boat and a Great Client — The RAVEN Project

A Good Boat and a Great Client — The RAVEN Project

Surprise Me 

Chopping Dugouts in Japan; a post by Douglas Brooks

Chopping Dugouts in Japan; a post by Douglas Brooks

The storm trysail: A faithful and forgiving foul-weather friend, by Ed Zacko

The storm trysail: A faithful and forgiving foul-weather friend, by Ed Zacko

Voyaging Thru Time: Photographs from Penobscot Marine Museum, Part 5

Voyaging Thru Time: Photographs from Penobscot Marine Museum, Part 5

Building and Launching JIMMY D, a 32′ Cornish Gig from the “Champlain Longboats” Program

Building and Launching JIMMY D, a 32′ Cornish Gig from the “Champlain Longboats” Program

2019 Annual Update for Members & Friends

2019 Annual Update for Members & Friends

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #16 – The Ship Arrives – My Departure Awaits

Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #16 – The Ship Arrives – My Departure Awaits

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

How Much Does My Boat Weigh? Weighing Your Boat with a Bathroom Scale

How Much Does My Boat Weigh? Weighing Your Boat with a Bathroom Scale

Learning From Experience: My Biggest Disaster and What It Taught Me, by Alec Brainerd

Learning From Experience: My Biggest Disaster and What It Taught Me, by Alec Brainerd

CELESTE’s Arctic Voyage: Traversing the Bering Sea, Sailing to the Top of America and the Rough Autumn Passages in the Alaskan Arctic

CELESTE’s Arctic Voyage: Traversing the Bering Sea, Sailing to the Top of America and the Rough Autumn Passages in the Alaskan Arctic