I bent the brass to fit the various curves, marked out 6” spacing and drilled and countersunk for the screws.
Then I bedded the brass with 3M 5200 and set everything with some #8 3/4 oval head screws
One thing I did do, for no real,reason… is I polished the brass half oval to a nice shine. 220; 320 grit sandpaper, 1000, then 1500 then 2000 grit wet/dry paper, using oil for a lubricant. Then a final polish with some Brasso found on one of my workshop shelves. Shiny and reflective… next season, it will all get painted over with anti-fouling paint. Shiny for now?
One last tid-bit, I added was something which I don’t know it’s name. Anyone who has sailed small sailboats with seemingly lightweight gear knows the challenge of the rudder and tiller popping up and out of the gudgeons. Immediately no steerage, your hanging onto the tiller and with the one free hand you are maddening trying to get the sail in such a position that it won’t capsize us!, The little gizmo is the piece to hold the rudder in its holder.
Ooops, no pictures. Will Try to remember to get a few shots tomorrow.