Preview: Pat West – A Cow in a Cat Boat

The “Gaffer’s Race” in Martha’s Vineyard wouldn’t exist without Pat West, a Vineyard sailing legend and gaff-rig zealot, who founded the event as a counterpoint to regattas dominated by marconi rigs.

Pat made many oral history recordings which later became a book, The Sloop Venture of Vineyard Haven. In his own words, here’s a quick story that seems lie the perfect plot for a children’s book…

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3 Responses So Far to “Pat West – A Cow in a Cat Boat

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    Bill Page says:

    I think the story about the cow is just great!!

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    Tom McFarling says:

    Just love your Slow August series. I’ve determined to make a pilgrimage to Brooklin and Eggemoggin Reach next August, even though August is golden here where I live on the west coast. We often convince ourselves that we live in the center of the wooden boat world here in Port Townsend, but after watching a slow cruise around your waters I realize that’s not true. Please keep ‘em coming. And thanks.