Preview: A Visit with Bertram Levy, Part 1 – In the Shop & Building Boats

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One of life’s fine pleasures is simply hanging out in the boatshop talking shop. And so we stopped by to visit retired doctor Bertram Levy in his home shop to talk about life, past projects, and the gem of a boat he’s working on now.

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58 Responses So Far to “A Visit with Bertram Levy, Part 1 – In the Shop & Building Boats

  • Chris Cournoyer says:

    Eric, you truly have the gift of being able to ask just the right question at just the right time to bring out the true essence of your interviewee. In video after video I find myself drawn in by your insight and the answers you solicit. I have been a lifetime OCH members since the inception and you have never failed to captivate me as a viewer. As I watch this series of videos in Echo Bay aboard my Gary Mull designed fiberglass sloop Crescendo, (yes internet connectivity has improved over the years) I realize what a gift it is to have the back story on this lovely double ender that has passed me at anchor in Port Townsend Bay for several summers. I have personally photographed her on a couple occasions because she is just so beautiful under sail. Thanks for bringing out the essence of her builder. My OCH pendant is, as always, flying from my flag halyard on Crescendo’s mast. Hope to catch you at thePort Townsend Wood Boat Fest Sept. 7-10, 2024. Thanks for the great work.

  • mark jacobson says:

    Very good video, this Gentleman has lots of knowledge. Thanks for sharing.

  • Robert Hauser says:

    Nice video I have watched it twice and always find another tid bit. I loved the “projects are your friends” comment. words to live by.

  • David Tew

    David Tew says:

    He tells how he was first inspired by an WB article about Walt Simmons’ Lincolnville Wherry. I saw that same boat pulled ashore in Camden, Maine on my honeymoon. It confirmed my urge to learn wood boat buillding also.

  • Olivier Meyer says:

    Wonderful ! Some years ago I saw in a book called The Toolbox Book, written by Jim Tolpin and published by Taunton Press, the photograph of a very attractive tote toolbox. Simplicity and sophistication.It was mentioned that this toolbox was belonging to a Boat builder and Physician called Bertram Levy. Now that I have seen Bertram Levy on the two videos available on The OHC, I understand that this very nice box was made by a very nice man. Simplicity and sophistication.

    • mike kitchen says:

      A great story. A wonderful man. I too was struck by the question” what is this about…for you” Eric asked near the end. A wonderful answer followed. Thank you so much for letting us see just a little of Bertram Levy.

  • Richard Neall says:

    Really fabulous video, and all capped off with the best ever sincere question “what’s this all about…for you?” Genius and inspirational. Thanks

  • Steven Hall says:

    Somehow I just knew he was going to say he was a musician.

  • David Ray says:

    What a man, what talent, what gifts for us. Thank you for this man’s story. One of a kind.

  • Allan Horton says:

    What an absolutely marvelous video – Bertram Levy is the master at what I once aspired to be – a boatbuilder and accomplished musician. At least I accomplished one of those goals; I still putter about the piano.

    I did build a stripper canoe, a 16-ft Peterborough-model in Mac McCarthy’s shop in Sarasota. She weighs only 48 pounds which still (at 82 yrs) allows me to cartop and portage her solo anywhere I wish to go. Fortunately, my wife loves canoeing as much as I, so she’s almost always with me to grab one end – and she paddles a mean bow draw stroke and rudder stroke.

    But building that canoe taught me to stick with the piano and the canoe was the one and only boat I ever successfully built; don’t ask about the others!

    I was born the year my father had planned to take his bride to Europe, so instead of the trip he had a 39-ft cabin cruiser built by Lee Hickok of Palma Sola, Fl. – and I got to celebrate my 4th birthday aboard that boat on my first overnight voyage. That boat lived long enough for me to serve as a teen-aged helmsman as my father, our county’s first MIT graduate civil engineer, ran a huge charting fathometer in the cabin to deliver the first-ever detailed geodesy of Tampa Bay for the construction of the Sunshine Skyway.

    Those skills on the helm later served me well in 1958 as one of the helmsmen on the USS Hydrographer running survey transects on the Georges Bank for the (then) US Coast & Geodetic Survey – a task which demanded no more than 3 degrees port or starboard deviation from the assigned compass course.

    This story signifies one of the reasons I have had a lifetime subscription since Issue No. 1 that I have never regretted acquiring.

    Allan Horton
    Sarasota, Florida

  • Sean Hogben says:

    Here’s a man who has found his special place. The calm, creative attitude he brings to his work is enviable. This is not an easy hull to perfect, and his own additions should please any designer, even KAN. After 44 years in a desk-bound profession I am bending back to my first real love, boatbuilding. Bertram is telling me it is never too late, too urgent or too demanding to let his creativity flow. Look at the number of comments on this video and know Bertram, after half of dozen viewings, I find it more refreshing and inspiring every time. Time to bend in some more frames!

  • greg mclaughlin says:

    Inspiring and he doesn’t seem to worry about running out of time.Wish I could adopt that attitude.

  • Paul Leonard says:

    I loved this. I am sure to watch this over and over. What a cool guy. This video was a grand slam!

  • Kent Farbach says:

    As a composer / inventor, I see many synergies here. For example, I’ve always likened learning of a Bach fugue to building a fine wooden vessel. Firstly, there’s the underlying structure to familiarise with before you even have a chance to flesh out the external musical details. Boat building is just like this, the buidler/ inventor is discovering the structure of the boat whilst working outwards in an aesthetic way. Both music and boat building require patience as well as knowing that, one day, that vessel will sail away from the dock gleaming beautifully in the sun and the waves and the fugue will dance along to the amazement of the audience:))

  • John Wujack says:

    There’s so much to enjoy in this video…..artistic genius. “I didn’t want to buy insurance, so I bought wood instead.” You’ve got to love that.

  • Robert Hazard says:

    What a wonderful video! You captured not only the focus and care that Bertram puts into his work, but the playfulness and inventiveness that makes it sparkle. Splendid job, fellows!

  • Thomas Morley says:

    What a wonderful man and what beautiful workmanship. I was wondering if anyone can tell me; he mentions using Resorcinol glue for all his work and building with Black Locust so i wonder which glue he uses…

    • Bertram Levy says:

      I used both resorcinol and epoxy For the scarfs and frames I found it very reliable – I used resorcinol as well on the spars. I use epoxy for the dovetails and trim as they are all interior I used 5200 for the cabin combing sides to the carlin I use gorilla for plugs and if there is a small split in the wood (fortunately rarely) because it forces its way deep into the split as it cures


  • Baxter Evans says:

    This time in Bertram’s shop was so enjoyable, I could spend endless hours here for sure. Beautiful craftsmanship and a beautiful person making for a delightful combination.

  • Mikkel Pagh says:

    What a wonderful video, a wonderul boat and wonderful man.Thank you!

    I was wondering if Bertram has been working from Nielsen’s original plans?

    • Bertram Levy says:

      The plans were not available (I understand a few select builders have had access) I only had to pictures in the texts described above – one had the lines – I had the amazing builder Peter Christiansen on Shaw Island Washington reproduce the lines on a 18 by 30 piece of paper – I asked him to stretch it to 19 from 18.3 which occurs above the waterline. I then could loft it full size. The other picture in “Worthy of the Sea” had a construction picture This was helpful for laying out the backbone altho I changed the stern since I was not interested in an engine. Also the original has full steam frames and mine has sawn and steam. His construction did not have a cabin nor cuddy and I designed that. Since I have done other boats, I felt confident to invent the rest myself. If anyone wants a copy of my lofting drawing they are welcome to it

  • Daniel Culpepper says:

    One of the best videos OCH has ever done. The purity of Bertram’s love of the creative soul is a joy to behold. Please visit again soon with this extraordinary man. Thank you to Bertram and to OCH for warming all our hearts.

  • Dave Dickmeyer says:

    As a very, very amateur boat builder (only 3) I am inspired by this man to finish the boat I have been working on for 15 years. What a great video to learn about what dedication to a craft can accomplish. Thanks Bertram and thank you OCH!

  • David Corey says:

    I love the boat! Aage Nielsen was a master of this form. A sistership to Fern (Windhover, ex-Sea Lady, built in 1948) was for sale at Brooklin Boat Yard a couple of years ago. I fell in love and the price was right, but had to walk away because she was impractical for our shallow bay. I heard that she has been restored and is sailing out of Castine now. And of course Fern is spectacular now, lovingly restored for E.B. White’s granddaughter.

  • Rudolph Bar says:

    A wonderful way to build a boat. Design as you go. If it feels right and it looks right, it is usually alright. So reminiscent of my own efforts at building my first dreamboat when I was younger and still had the strength. Now that I’m old and feeble I’m happy to show people how to build simple stitch and tape skiffs.
    Thanks for showing this video

  • Tim Lang says:

    That’s the coolest video I’ve seen in a long time. Well done and thank you!

  • Ian Anderson says:

    Uplifting vid. Thanks yet again for another sensitive and embracing portrait of a memorable character.

  • James Gallarda says:

    Last summer I was getting ready to launch my Herreshoff Rozinante after some work done by the PT Shipwrights Coop, and a guy comes by who obviously loved wooden boats. Little did I know, it was Bertram Levy. How I wish I had seen this video before. Renaissance Man indeed!

  • George Blaisdell says:

    “What’s this about?” What a great question!
    And what a great response by Bert…!!
    The stop-take…
    Then the double-take…
    Then the “are your sure?” take…
    Then the decision to answer…
    Then the answer…
    All in real time…
    Another day in the now…
    I too was there at the first Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend so many years ago… And I too went sailing with Lynn and Larry…
    Not to forget the President of the Pacific Ocean!
    Memory Eternal, Spike Africa!!


  • Ted Harris says:

    Thank you. I wish I could craft a more substantive response, but words fail me.

  • Mike Gautreau says:

    Very inspiring as I start my very first boat here in Houston, Texas on the gulf coast. Please keep these videos coming , love it

  • Bill Theurkauf says:

    I may have a new favorite OCH video, but that is a very hard call! More videos on amateur builders and their shops/projects would be great!

  • michael waters says:

    Creativity is everything…projects are my friends

    What a lovely thing to share

    • Randal Griepp says:

      A great video. As I watched it I realized that I knew this guy 50 years ago when we both were surgical residents at Stanford, he in urology and I in cardiac surgery. Late at night in the In the surgical research laboratories we would chat about sailing; he was very sophisticated and liked to talk about issues such as airfoils created by rotating masts, etc. I had just purchased my first boat, a Sunfish, and mostly listened. Over the years he has become a serious boat builder, and inspired by those conversations a half century ago I build small boats such as Ian Outbred’s Acorn and sail my current boat a Chris White Atlantic 42. Thanks, Bert, for the inspiration and drop me a line if you’re so disposed.

      • Steve Stone

        Steve Stone says:

        Remarkable story Randal. Feels good to have sparked the memory and (re)connection. I’ve forwarded your note to Bertram.

  • ramon rodriguez says:

    Mr. Levy is a renaissance person. Check out his Tango band. A Physcian for 30 years. Simply amazing. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  • Peter Hendrickson says:

    The video sets the standard for the marriage of interviewer/videographer and boat builder. The mutual humanity on display provides much needed respite from the horror of kids and teachers again under fire. Is there an OCH program to turn guns into spoke shaves?

  • Radford Hazen says:

    What a cool guy! Makes me feel like a piker because I’m not playing and writing music while building a boat.

  • John Simlett says:

    For the first time I feel I’ve met someone with whom I can identify … he taught my a new use for the word ‘creator’ … everything we do is ‘create’…. which is better than me calling it all ‘art’.

  • Jim McGowan says:

    What a wonderful inspiration for a life with boats!

  • Tom Roderick says:

    So nice to watch a craftsman with the experience and self-confidence to do great things his way and for his own pleasure. Love it.

  • Tom Chantler says:

    One of the best of all the OCH videos. Maybe it’s the way he’s so devoid of ego. Maybe it’s the smile and delight he gets out of solving the thousands of three dimensional problems required. Maybe it’s that it’s important to him to do it right. The sheer beauty of the work is deeply enhanced by the spirit in this guys hands. Brilliant.

  • Henrique van Deursen says:

    Music and sailboats, yes they match, as a artistic kind of work

  • Kyle Stroomer says:

    Very inspirational to see an extraordinary craftsmen that also has/had a day job. I quite enjoyed the video and really need to get to Port Townsend!

  • Bill Saunders says:

    A very interesting and talented guy. He has a good outlook on life and has led an interesting life. Here is a link to his biography if anyone is interested. In addition to being a boatbuilder and very accomplished musician, he is also a physician.

    • Peter Brackenbury says:

      What an amazing Bio! I was amazed by the video, now I am astounded by everything else about him!

  • Harvey Kail says:

    I like the connection between boat building and music. My guess is that this connection of creative impulses is shared in more than one boat shop. There might be a video here?

  • Craig Johnsen says:

    Bertram has inspired many, many folks through the years with his skills and many talents. It is a delight to see your coverage of one of his lovely craft. We both enjoyed seeing and hearing his laughter – and the early photos of he and Bobbi are very special. Very sweet! Craig and Vicky Johnsen

  • Peter MacLearn says:

    Very, Very Cool. A life well lived, and a video well done. Thanks.

  • Charlie Nichols

    Charlie Nichols says:

    Wow….great project (nice video too!). I hope I turn out to be like this fellow when I grow up (better hurry, I suppose!)

  • Eric T. Pomber

    Eric T. Pomber says:

    Very cool, great project. I hope there more shop videos like this!


  • Charles Lammers says:

    A life well spent! Many more years and projects!


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