Preview: Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #9 – Peru to Penrhyn Island: A Brief Recapitulation

At the time of writing this summary, I’d been on terra firma for a week, which was almost enough time to settle into my new home, catch up on sleep, ride my new bike around the village ten times, and most importantly, process the last 160 days of my life.

I spent a nice portion of that time talking on the phone with friends and family, regaling them with tales from the high seas and catching up on news from home. I’ve noticed that there are a handful of questions that I’m often answering, so I thought it would do no harm to answer them here, for you.

How was it out there?

It was tough, it was really hard. here’s no denying it was both physically and mentally a serious challenge. Of course, there were times when it was truly wonderful out there, many times really, but, at least for now anyway, I think back and just shake my head. It takes a very strong mind to overcome the constant challenges I faced. Thankfully, I’m blessed with the right attitude, so never once did I lose the will to row, nor did the dream ever die for me, but I spent a good while saying to myself that I wouldn’t wish my situation on anyone.

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6 Responses So Far to “Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #9 – Peru to Penrhyn Island: A Brief Recapitulation

  • Richard Hero says:

    Amazing tale, Tom. Rest up, relax and prepare for the next leg of your journey when the weather breaks.

  • Heidi Roy

    Heidi Roy says:

    WOW, I am speechless, your trip is an adventure totally…….paddle on and stay safe.

  • Jerry McIntire says:

    Congratulations, Tom, on completing the first looooong leg of your trip in such fine fashion. Glad to hear that the Bible was such a support. As you said, it’s good to have a book you can turn to again and again for solace and strength.

  • Scott barnaby says:

    Well done sir! Looking forward to what comes next!

  • Patrick Filardi says:

    Great stuff , Tom, the Italians have a saying ” dare to live” you are doing that in fine fashion. The one that I try to live by is Vita Breves. Stay safe young man. Patrick Filardi