Preview: A Sail in the Herreshoff S-boat Mischief

Luckily, I got to go for sail in the Herreshoff S-boat Mischief a week or so ago, the first boat to raise sail in Center Harbor this season. First sail for Mischief since her restoration as well. It was a lovely cool day with a snapping good breeze from the northwest. Frank Hull and Hans Vierthaler of Brooklin Boat Yard were about to shove off on a trial sail when I showed up and was invited to join them. Nice, nice, nice! Rail down, no water in the bilge, and just flying along. We beat halfway up Eggemoggin Reach, tried a donut or two (sheets in, backstays tight, and tiller hard over for a 360 degree spin), and came back to the yard on a broad reach. Next, Steve White and Brian Larkin and I gave her a second sail, this time off the wind to High Head, then a beat back in the late afternoon’s ever lightening breeze.

Gosh, these are nice boats. And the deep cockpit, where you’re quite well sheltered from the wind, was much appreciated on this chilly day.

Herreshoff S-Boat Mischief trailered

After her final painting (she’s hauled out now), Mischief will be officially rechristened by her new owner in Newport early next month and then join the Narragansett S-boat fleet in racing as the season progresses. Here are some photos that go with the above and conclude our Mischief story, which began with OCH’s very first video of two years ago and my blog earlier tis spring. (That’s Hans grinning at the tiller. He made up the new rigging.)

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8 Responses So Far to “A Sail in the Herreshoff S-boat Mischief

  • Nathanael Bray says:

    I think S Boat and all I think about is the Cape Cod Canal in Little Witch! What an adventure that was! Nice article, Dad! I love this site and being able to keep up with the latest of your many projects.

    • Maynard Bray says:

      Hi Nat,
      Just posted a new image of Mischief on her trailer and ready to be hauled off to Newport. She’ll be zipping past the Cape Cod Canal at 60mph, not held up by current and balky outboard motor.

  • John Thomson says:

    My folks bought an S boat back in the early 50’s, #3. The purists would say she was not a true “S” as she was Lawely built. We had a lot of fun racing on west LI Sound out of the Sea Cliff Yacht Club. I remember my father hoisting the sailmaker up the mast on the main halyard, and he took offsets every 6 inches all the way down the hoist to get the curve for the new main. It was huge, but fit like a glove. A great boat.

  • Maynard Bray says:

    Hi Whitey,
    Yes, Mischief has the curved mast and uses the original rig. Sorry we didn’t have a full-height photo available to post.

  • Whitey Thayer says:

    Photos do not show the top of the mast. Is it curved like the originals?

    • Eric Blake says:

      She is as original in almost every way. It is nice to have restorations like this going on. Being held to details of an original one design fleet.

  • Geoff Kerr says:

    Three cheers for builders and riggers who love to sail!!!