Preview: The First of Three Sailing Yawlboats Takes Shape

There were a few things responsible for getting this project underway. Two of my closest friends needed a small boat to use as a tender for their sailboat, but more importantly a craft in which Jessica could teach herself how to sail. Having spent a season on their lovely Aage Nielsen yawl JESTER that her husband Nico had restored himself over the last ten years, Jessica felt like it was tme for her to really learn to sail. There is nothing like building a small boat, one you are not fearful of hurting because you know it so well including what it is made of, and then teaching yourself how to sail it. The next part of this story (and the reason for building the second boat) is from another pair of dear friends in a slightly different situation. Bob spent last summer building the boat shed of his dreams, and part of that dream involved laying down the lines of a small boat on the loft floor, then seeing the boat take shape to the stage where spruce shavings curled from a jack plane as the spars were being made. Boat number three was for us. Creating these three new boats is what got us through this winter. It’s the one night a week, and half a day on Saturday, that we all do something together—something that with any luck will take us to amazing places this summer. But, as you can see from the photos, we still have plenty left to do.

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16 Responses So Far to “The First of Three Sailing Yawlboats Takes Shape

  • John Theunissen says:

    G’day Eric,
    This looked like a wonderful initiative. I was just wondering whether you had any pics of the completed projects, and whether there had been any progress on potential plans?
    Regards, John T.

  • John Trussell says:


    Did the plans ever materialize? If so, I’d like to buy a set.

    John Trussell

  • Richard Schneider says:

    I saw the Pete Culler 121/2 in a book years ago and thought it a great little boat for just kicking around. Your redesign is even better and having just completed my Caledonia, I need a winter project and a boat for the grand daughters to learn to sail.
    Is there any possible way I could buy a set or plans or drawings. Thanks, and thank you for the great work with OCH.

  • James Greene says:

    I grew up visiting my Grammy and Grampy in Bath, ME. There was a little boat yard by B.I. W. I wanted to build boats SO bad. We lived out west though and never had the time. I forgot the awe inspired by boats until i came across this sight. Thank you all for giving me the dream back! I am a member and trying to figure which boat will be first to build. I have never sailed. I am above average woodworking skill so am torn as which I should try first. I am wondering about plans for this yawl. Do you have a time frame of when they might be ready?

  • William Eck says:

    I just started the process to building a 12′ Ellen sailboat. Right now I’m in the stage of building the forms to layout the hull, looks like this might be an interesting project for me I might need a bigger basement.

  • William Boulden says:

    Would love to see some pics of the finished product! And to hear more about the plans. ;D

  • David Dickmeyer says:

    Ok, I like it. How about a set of plans? Any thoughts on sharing this one?

    • Eric Blake says:

      Hey David, Plans for these little gems will be worked up once the first three are completed. We have been winging it up until this point, working from a full size lofting. I’d like to have a set of working drawings done by the fall. You can take mine for a spin anytime you are in Center harbor. We’ll keep you posted.

  • Russ Manheimer says:

    Nice to see Bob and Jet gainfully employed. Great job folks. What design is it?


    • Eric Blake says:

      Hey Russ, Believe it or not, I’m not sure Bob even knows this, but he was in on the design of her, your own brother. The inspiration came from Captain Pete Culler. We have designed her from scratch as we go. When are you coming for a visit? We’ll have to line up your Bolger punts against them.

  • Lorentz Ottzen says:

    I am impressed with how burdensom these little boats are.

    • Eric Blake says:

      The idea of the boats is that you should feel like they are safe and substantial, not nervous. I also want the yawl rig to be one that a beginning sailor can sail with just the main and then they will add the mizzen and jib as they become more confident. Compared to a 420 they certainly are burdensome but I feel that they are a much better sail trainer. We’ll see!

  • nico jenkins says:

    Wooo! Eggemoggin Reach here we come (says Jessica)!!

  • Molly Blake says:

    We have to figure out what night we are going to race!

  • bill mayher says:

    Jeez, and I thought I was having fun in London”